måndag 29 mars 2010

Spit it out

All you wanna do is drag me down
All I wanna do is stamp you out
I've realised this before though, but I'm afraid. I'm always afraid. Why is that?
How come I'm always so afraid of putting myself out there, to face failure, embarrassment and to be hurt? It's like my mind keep saying it's okey to be you and don't even dare to spend a second wondering about what other thinks of you, what you just did or said. But at the same time that's exactly what I'm doing. Hah, funny thing that it's always much easier to convince yourself that you're wrong rather than right. I never go all the way when it comes to anything, whether it's a "fling" that I want to be something more, losing weight, writing an essay or when I've found a new hobby. I've always expected failure even before I've started and then just given up. Ah, attitude problem, what's wrong with me!? Sorry for this little opening up thingy, it's hardly anyone that reads this anyway, and my only two followers I've managed to scare away with my abscent from blogin', sorry about that mina gosbollar!
Warning: This music may give you the syndrome I just got, and a massive rage-attack!

2 kommentarer:

  1. åh älskar låten <3

    och jaaa! JAAA! ANANAI DU HAR SÅ RÄTT! VARFÖR ÄR DET SÅ?! det är svårt att ändras på en dag också, you gotta work on that your whole life! Visst vare vi som snackade om shame och allt förut? :D

    sött att du skriver på engelska ^^ mikkit pra mikkit pra!!

    hahah "my only two followers I've managed to scare away with my abscent from blogin'" NEJ DÅ KEEL <3

  2. NOOCTCHESS.. omg, you're so not the only one with that problem, ... I know what you mean.. Let's change tillsammans mitt gos,.. världen väntar på oss och vi kmr lyckas så hårt bara vi vågar drömma, och vågar kämpa all the way. Oavsett vad det gäller. Kommer du ihåg vad vi pratade om efter Mono? ... :) jag är glad att vi hade vår lilla conversation . Älsk på dig!!!
